The SFAPCC Code Of Ethics
Guidelines for the operation of the PCC
Code of Ethics:
The Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch prohibit an employee from soliciting or accepting any gift from a prohibited source or one given because of the employee's official position -- unless the item is excluded from the definition of a gift or falls within one of the exceptions set forth in the regulations. Cash is always considered a prohibited gift.
-5 C.F.R. 2635 Subpart B
The Conduct on Postal Property Regulations prohibit the solicitation of alms and contributions on all real property under the charge and control of the Postal Service and apply to all persons entering in or on such property.
-39 CFR § 232
For this purpose, alms are defined as money or goods given in charity; charitable donations; and any species of relief bestowed upon the poor.
The Community Service Activities Policy (CSAP) permits contributions of Postal Service resources to support a community service event, project or cause. CSAP does not authorize the donation of Postal Service funds. CSAP does not permit employees to solicit donations from other employees in the workplace, does not permit organizations to solicit donations from Postal employees in the workplace, and does not permit the solicitation of customers to participate in the program. Approval must be obtained from a USPS Area Vice-President. Only causes that meet specific ends may be approved. Those causes are:
- Assisting victims of a disaster
- Relieving hunger
- Promoting education/literacy
- Enhancing the environment
- Promoting wellness
- Promoting child safety and well-being
-ASM § 333
PCC Guidelines to Charitable Activities:
With certain limitations, PCC's may engage in charitable activities, as follows:
All such activities must be approved through the Postal Service Community Service Activities Policy (CSAP). An application should be completed in accordance with Postal Service guidelines and submitted to the Area Vice President (AVP) through the Postal Co-Chair. Only those activities and resources approved by the AVP are authorized. PCC's should note that the AVP cannot approve activities that are otherwise prohibited by the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, the CFC regulations or the Conduct on Postal Property regulations. Information regarding these federal regulations can be provided to interested PCC's through the PCC Program office.
If a charitable activity has been approved by the AVP, Industry members of the PCC may solicit and collect in-kind contributions from PCC members and others in the mailing community only at a designated non-postal location. PCC's should note that PCC's may not conduct charitable activities on Postal Service property or solicit participation from federal employees or the general public as such activities may violate other federal regulations. Please note that only in-kind contributions may be solicited and accepted as the CSAP does not permit the solicitation or collection of cash. Industry members must be careful to represent themselves as such and make no representation that either the charitable activity or the solicitation is being conducted on behalf of the U.S. Postal Service.
Postal Service employees may only participate in related activities to the extent their participation is approved through the CSAP program. Likewise, the use of postal resources (workhours, vehicles, etc.) for such activities is limited to those resource allocations approved by the approving AVP. Postal members of the PCC may make personal contributions of goods to an approved CSAP program if they desire to do so. Any such contribution must be strictly voluntary.
In addition to the prohibition from soliciting or collecting cash, the CSAP will not permit a PCC to redirect PCC funds to finance any charitable cause, scholarship, relief or assistance fund, insurance program, hardship loan, political activities, gifts or other causes or activities not directly related to the PCC Mission. (Publication 286, Charitable Endeavors, page 15.)
Specific Dear Santa Program Guidelines
The Dear Santa program was designed as a letter writing program. PCC's wishing to participate in a Dear Santa program should make application to the AVP through the CSAP program as set out above.